Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Please keep us in your prayers. We are having a hard time trying to find God about our birth. Not too many options and all of them come with some amount of sacrifice. And I'm having a hard time trusting Jeff and God. I sometimes feel like everyone is against me in this birth drama. I've never in my life regretted being pregnant, but it's been happening a lot lately. I don't like feeling this way toward my own child. I didn't plan for any of this to happen but here we are and I just can't see God anywhere. Also please call me or come see me sometime. I miss my friends a lot. I am already pretty emotional just being pregnant, but add to that all the stress of these birth decisions, homeschooling, people moving away, and helping to carry the house next door... I really need my friends. Don't get me wrong, I love Rushie and Aya, but when no one from the village has intentionally contacted you in weeks, it starts to feel like you've been forgotten. I know I could call more, I just get busy and forget to call until it's too late at night. I'm sure that's half the reason ya'll don't call. Just don't forget us out here. Especially now when I think we all feel a bit needy. Love you guys!


  1. I love you Becky and i know i am like 200 miles away.. :) But I just wanted to let you know I hope everything works out. If you can't find a midwife, some hospitals are offering the ABC rooms (alternate birthing center). It's what i used with an in hospital midwife. I know its not the same but its kinda close

  2. Ok I confess, we have been trying for awhile to come out that way. But getting caught up on bills and the van needing to be repaired numerous of times took a bit of our paycheck.

    I have missed you guys alot, Especially the late nites games or just hanging out with each other.

    I do have to agree with the people not coming out to see you. It happened to me/us, but we know everyone has a job to do and we just have to not get under it, when we are feeling forgotten. I can count on both hands and feet, the times that I have felt and believed I was forgotten about when I moved to Memphis. But we have to be bigger than that thought. And remember that we will come away with sooo much that God has given to us.

    Let's just focus on your baby coming, when? And who and what God has planned for you. It will be awesome. I think you and Jeff will do exactly what God has for you. Just lean into it, you will not fall. I have no idea what your opitions are, but there really is a prefect one waiting just for you. And in the end, you will be able to trust Jeff and God one hundred percent. It will be hard, but God gives us His strenght to continue to do His Will.

    I love you sooo much, and am waiting to see you again. All my Love, -Lani
